Meet our members

I would like to create a new blog post each month that highlights a member.  I think this is a good way to highlight accomplishments and skill that make our club so great!  A little while ago I highlighted Joy Karns with the “Meet your new secretary” post.

This month I would like to highlight Dan Ziolkowski or KC2STA.

Dan became our club president after the December elections and is our 2nd member ever to serve in that position.  I have included below a small excerpt from Dan himself describing his background.

“I have had my ticket only since early 2008, but I am a long time SWL and AM band DXer. I built my first crystal set when I was 9 years old. My childhood inspiration was my father, who was trained as a TV repair man. Every few months we had to repair the family TV and I was fascinated. I inhaled my first solder fumes at a very early age! I have been a cable and satelite TV engineer for 30 years and hold an FCC Commercial radio license.”

Having the privilege of spending some time with Dan during the 2024 ARRL Field Day, I got to know Dan as an inventor so to speak.  Dan is very handy and created a very cool mast system for use with his Vertical Antenna.  Dan is VERY proficient and has accomplished quite a list of awards in the small amount of time as an Amateur Radio Operator.  These feats include working all States on EVERY band from 160m to 10m and is only missing 3 states for 6m.  That is pretty impressive.  Dan has also worked a total of 287 different countries earning him an ARRL Honor Roll.

Dan’s primary radios of choice are primarily Yaesu rigs.  The radios he owns are the FT-450, FT857, FT2900R and an FT65.  He also owns a few non Yaesu radios such as the fantastic TenTec Eagle and a Zachtech WSPR transmitter.  Dan uses generally uses CW, Digital, and SSB modes.

Dan also operates as Net Control from time to time during our club nets.

I wonder how many other hobbies Dan could possibly have other than radio??

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